Exemption from paragraph 323.14(4)(b) of standard 323 - Aircraft Fire Fighting at Airports and Aerodromes made pursuant to section 303.14 of the Canadian Aviation Regulations
This exemption has been cancelled and replaced by NCR-090-2020.
Pursuant to subsection 5.9(2) of the Aeronautics Act, and after taking into account that the exemption is in the public interest and is not likely to adversely affect aviation safety or security, I hereby exempt all Canadian airport operators from the requirements set out in paragraph 323.14(4)(b) of Standard 323 – Aircraft Fire Fighting at Airports and Aerodromes made pursuant to section 303.14 of the Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARs), subject to the following conditions.
Paragraph 323.14(4)(b) of Standard 323 – Aircraft Fire Fighting at Airports and Aerodromes states that, live-fire drill training shall be provided to all fire-fighting personnel every 12 months.
The details of the above provisions are reproduced in Appendix A.
The purpose of this exemption is to allow all Canadian airport operators to extend the period in which recurrent live-fire drill training is to be provided to all fire-fighting personnel from every 12 months to a maximum of 18 months.
As the COVID-19 situation continues to evolve, this exemption would allow Canadian airport operators whose fire-fighting personnel are required to travel outside of their jurisdiction to the United States of America or Canada to complete their required recurrent live-fire training in order to maintain their level of proficiency to defer the requirement by a maximum of 6 months.
This exemption applies to all Canadian airport operators for the purpose of recurrent live-fire drill trainings that were previously planned to occur between March 27, 2020 and September 30, 2020.
This exemption ceases to apply to a Canadian airport operator that does not respect the condition of this exemption.
This exemption is subject to the following condition:
- The Canadian airport operator who elects to use this exemption shall plan and ensure that every firefighter completes their individual recurrent live-fire training within 18 months of their last live-fire training as specified in Standard 323.
This exemption is in effect to the earliest of the following:
- a) Until all the recurrent live-fire drill trainings that were previously planned to occur between March 27, 2020 and September 30, 2020 are completed ; or
- b) The date on which the exemption is cancelled in writing by the Minister where he is of the opinion that it is no longer in the public interest or is likely to adversely affect aviation safety or security.
Dated at Ottawa, Ontario, this 23rd day of March, 2020, on behalf of the Minister of Transport.
“Original signed by Joseph Szwalek (for)”
Nicholas Robinson
Director General, Civil Aviation
Transport Canada
Appendix A
Provision of the Canadian Aviation Regulations
Training of Personnel
303.14 The operator of a designated airport or of a participating airport or aerodrome shall ensure that all personnel assigned to aircraft fire-fighting duties are trained in accordance with the aircraft fire-fighting standards.
Provisions of the Standard 323 – Aircraft Fire Fighting at Airports and Aerodromes
323.14 Training of Personnel
(4) Recurrent Training
(a) General
Recurrent training shall be provided to enable each firefighter to maintain the level of proficiency established in this standard.
Except for subparagraph 323.14(2)(a)(xi) respecting live-fire training, every firefighter must complete training in each element of the standards listed in section 323.14 at least once every three years.
(b) Live-Fire Training
Live-fire drill training shall be provided to all fire-fighting personnel every 12 months as follows:
none- (i) A live-fire drill shall simulate a realistic fire-fighting situation, and be of sufficient size and intensity to provide a challenge to the firefighter in relation to the equipment used,
- (ii) The conditions simulated in a live-fire drill shall emulate the type of fire which could be encountered on a typical aircraft at the airport or aerodrome.
- (iii) During the drill, each firefighter shall demonstrate the control and extinguishment of a simulated aircraft fire using:
- (A) Handlines and/or turrets using an AFF vehicle of a type used at the airport or aerodrome, and
- (B) Fire-fighting streams to protect firefighters and aircraft occupants using either handlines or turrets.