Ship Safety Bulletins (SSB)
Date (Y-M-D): 1979-12-31
Subject: Don't Play on the Freeway
Ship Traffic is Heavy These Days
"Because of the poor quality of the original Ship Safety Bulletin, the data for this paragraph has not been entered."
Big Ships in Small Channels
For ships of this size, the Seaway or a port approach channel can be likened to a narrow city street as opposed to an eight lane freeway. The combination of narrow channels and shallow waters has a detrimental effect on handling characteristics and these factors, together with the variations encountered in winds and currents, render a passage through such waters a very exacting task indeed.
Trouble Spots
Although the foregoing is specifically about the Seaway, the remarks are equally applicable to all waters of a confined nature such as Vancouver's First Narrows, Active pass, the St. Lawrence River below Montreal, and in the approaches to such ports as Saint John, Halifax and St. John's.
On the Bridge
The primary method of navigating ships in confined waters involves the preplanning of manoeuvres and the following of preset courses using visual guidance provided by loading marks and prominent landmarks. Should a pilot deviate from his course, he runs a grave risk of running aground or of hazarding other shipping; and, depending of the nature of his cargo, of precipitating a major disaster.
Close Encounters of the Worst Kind
It is a curious fact that someone who would, under no circumstances step into a pedestrian crosswalk in front of an oncoming tractor-trailer will casually place himself in a close quarters situation with a 50,000 ton ship. He may not necessarily be violating the rules of the road but he is displaying surprisingly irresponsible behaviour.
"Because of the poor quality of the original Ship Safety Bulletin, the data for this paragraph has not been entered.
"Because of the poor quality of the original Ship Safety Bulletin, the data for this paragraph has not been entered.
The Pilot's View - Think About It and Take Care
Pilots have frequently reported that the lights of small craft, particularly the red and green side lights, are often extremely difficult to make out from ship's bridges. The whit lights are normally visible; but, alone, they provide inadequate information on which to assess the Intentions of the small craft operator. The small craft lights may also be obscured by spray, engine exhaust and even flags and pennants.
Know All the Rules and Play It Safe
Despite the steering and sailing rules in the Collision Regulations and the Rules of the Road for the Great Lakes small craft operators, including windsurfers, sailing in confined waters must appreciate the limitations imposed on sea-going ships by the nature of these waters. They must appreciate the intent of Rule 2 (b) of the Collision Regulations and Rule 35 of the Rules of the Road for the Great Lakes. These Rules require attention "to all dangers of navigation and collision and to any special circumstances, including the limitations of the vessels involved, which may make a departure from these Rules necessary to avoid immediate danger. "
**Enjoy Your Sailing By Taking Care**
Keywords: Questions concerning this bulletin should be addressed to:
Marine Safety
Tower C, Place de Ville
11th Floor, 330 Sparks Street
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0N8
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